Ready to commit to your transformation and change now?
Here’s how to get started: Simply use the drop down menu to click on the price/plan that works for you. As soon as I’m notified that payment is received I’ll contact you by phone or email and we’ll set up your appointment schedule:
Book multiple sessions and save:
1. Choose to have me work with you one on one via Skype
If you prefer to work with me as your personal coach and guide to relieving your anxiety, phobias or panic attacks or if you want to take your peak performance to the next level.
My usual hourly fee is $350 per hour. However for a limited time, $750 gets you an initial 2-3 hour Skype session plus a free one hour follow up. [A $1,400 value] For many people that’s all they need to get going in the right direction with a different set of tools and a different mindset that if followed, will inevitably bring you the result of a better, calmer, safer, more sane life.
It also INCLUDES: Full access to all my online “CRUSH Anxiety” course materials which feature many NLP techniques that are immediately useable and that with practice can totally transform your life, all in clear, easy to follow videos that literally change your Mind for the better…
One-on-One Skype Session
AND Get Lifetime Access to ALL my Tools and Techniques
for ONE Payment of $750
What’s included in the program?
- ONE 2 to 3 hour Intensive One-on-One Skype session
- PLUS a FREE one (1) hour follow up session
- And FULL ACCESS to all my online CRUSH anxiety course materials, tips and techniques
3. Choose to work with me in person for a full 90 day coaching period with unlimited followup by phone, email or in person.
[Please Note: The unlimited follow up is guaranteed as long as you complete the assignments you agree to do.]
Via Skype or Fly in to work with me – $3,500 Includes a full day one on one with me and either a second day or extended Skype follow-up. “Unlimited follow up” for 90 days by email, Skype, phone or in person. Conditional Guarantee: As long as you do your assignments I will continue to support you as long as you need. Please Note: This is a CONDITIONAL guarantee that is dependent upon you actually taking reasonable and consistent action APPLYING the tools and techniques that you will learn.
It also INCLUDES: Full access to all my online course materials…
One-on-One Breakthrough Session + 90 Day Coaching
AND Get Lifetime Access to ALL my Tools and Techniques
for ONE Payment of $3500
What’s included in the program?
- A full TEN HOURS of One-on-One Breakthrough Work, plus
- Ongoing email support for 90 days
- Unlimited follow up sessions (in person or by Skype) for 90 days
- And FULL ACCESS to all my online course materials, tips and techniques
90 day unlimited followup coaching program.
Sometimes it’s not a quick fix and you need more support. Other times you realize that even Michael Jordan had a coach and you want to go for the absolute best you can possibly be with regular, frequent sessions to support and reinforce your progress.
Consider my 90 day unlimited followup coaching program. You get my full 10-15 hour breakthrough session plus unlimited followup by e-mail and phone for 90 days. The only condition to this program is that you must show up for your appointments and fully complete your coaching assignments.
90 day unlimited followup coaching program.
Reg. $5,000 / $1,500 (save $3,500.00!)
Have questions? Please feel free to call me at 888-598 or em-7709 or email me at mark [at]
Or use the handy form below.