Congratulations for making a great decision!
I can think of no other single decision or action in my own life that yielded the massive, powerful life transforming benefits of NLP Training. So I am truly excited for you! And I want to personally extend a heartfelt welcome to you!
Here’s how the Modern Jedi program works.
As long as you are in good standing with your payment plan you get immediate and unlimited access to the online portion of the course materials. Just visit and log in at the right side of the site. ===>
The membership system should have emailed you your user name and password. Please check your email in-box and bulk folder.
Please Note: Every once in a while for whatever technical reason the system requires me to manually set this up. It just takes a moment so please be patient. If you haven’t gotten this please just give me a call between 9-5 US Eastern Time my cell phone is 203-804-1208 (Yes this is my personal cell phone so I really appreciate it if you call me during the DAY time! :o) or email me any time of day or night at Mark [at] and I will personally make sure you get all set up.
Another note: When I first started adding an online component to the program I included a weekly coaching call.
That seemed like it was just too much of a time commitment for my students who are often really busy. Taking that as feedback, I now offer personal email coaching which seems to work better for everyone. If you have any question please just drop me an email and I will answer your questions.
If you’ve chosen one of the longer term payment plans please remember you can accelerate it at any time in order to join this year’s summer intensive. Just give me a call at 203-804-1208 and again please remember I live on the East Coast of the United States so please time your call to be as close to 9-5 business hours as you can!
You can also use the handy form below.