The past few years have seen an economic meltdown the likes of which most of us alive have never experienced. It’s all around us. The Stock market is at 1980’s lows. Companies world wide are falling like bowling pins. Millions of people are out of work or facing imminent layoffs. The news is full of grim experts like “Dr. Doom” predicting the end of the world as we know it. As I checked my yahoo e-mail this morning I was greeted with this headline:
Even ‘Dr. Doom’ Is Scared: Economy Much Worse Than Roubini Predicted
Don’t follow the link above! I only put it in here to improve my search engine ranking. :o)
So a few thoughts and some options that I am using myself to stay hopeful and positive in spite of all the gloom and doom around you.
- STOP LISTENING TO THE NEWS! or at least use a grim news story to improve your search engine rankings like I did above. After all that’s what the news folks are using to make their businesses prosper. Think about it! What businesses do you know are still doing really well? Who benefits if you are freaked out? The more eyeballs the News media can get the more advertising they can sell. So I’ll say it again. STOP WATCHING AND LISTENING TO THE NEWS! BTW do you know what city is booming and growing in these hard times? Washington DC! Talk about thriving in a crisis!
. - Listen to positive, hopeful music. I‘ve created a special website to help lift your spirits it’s called: Positive-Songs.com You can get a “Positive Song-a-day” to burn it into your Rostromedial Pre-Frontal Cortex (that’s where catchy tunes get “stuck”).
. - Make a list of the miracles in your life and all the abundance you have right now. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. You did not have to mine your own salt eh? You have people who do that for you! If you are reading this that means you have a computer and access to the world wide web! You are RICH. Focus on right now. At this very moment do you have clothes? Do you have running water? Do you have enough food for today? Do you have heat? Got shoes? Socks?
It sounds simple but it’s all about shifting your focus from one of lack to one of abundance. Speaking of the internet, there are huge opportunities for people who understand the new Web 2.0 social media and how to connect to prospects and customers on line.
. - Say this to your self and write it out by hand 100 times (yes 100 times): “Why Does It Work Out Better Than I Can Possibly Imagine?” This will begin to re-program your unconscious mind to filter for good news rather than bad. Go ahead. I dare you. No. I double dare you. No. I double dog dare you! This is one of my own most used anti-anxiety practices.
. - Go to CRUSHAnxiety.com. I have some significant tips there about how to stop anxiety (even financial anxiety, or doomsday anxiety). For way less than a talk therapy session or a bottle of scotch you can discover 7 secrets to stop anxiety and panic attacks fast.
. - If you need serious help ask for it. Either from me or from another NLP practitioner. Sometimes a big part of making significant changes is simply the act of asking for help. I work with select clients one on one in person, over the phone or using Skype. Because of how rich we are in technology, you can work with me from anywhere in the world!
Many of my clients have learned how to destroy their fears and anxious thinking patterns and gone on to double, triple and even quintuple their incomes (even in these scary times).
If you need help I can often get people significant relief in just one or two NLP phone sessions. Some folks need more support. I charge either by the hour or a flat fee. I will also consider barter. So please do not let your current beliefs in “lack” stop you from getting help. E-mail me at mark[at] MarkShepard.com or call my office at (888)598-7709
So just a few thoughts and resources for you. Please take advantage of whatever feels right for you. Remember:
- We can not change the world but we can change how we respond to the world.
- We can change how we perceive the world.
- We can change how we interact with the world.
- We can use these challenging times as a motivational tool to think outside the box of our old patterns and routines.
- We can use these times as opportunity triggers.
- Are there problems you can help other people solve?
- Are there talents and abilities you’ve always wanted an opportunity to use?
- Now’s the time to start giving yourself permission to explore them.
I love you all and send you my best wishes and hopes for you all day every day!